Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The first episode on my on line documentary series DIARY OF A FILMMAKER is now on line at You Tube ( This new series is something I've been trying to get up for some time since last year as a means to have behind-the-scenes documentaries on all the productions that I've done and will be doing in the future. As a start for the series I decided to go with a recent project therefore the first Episode 1001: On the Set of a Music Video is the first day of filming on the production of the Chris DeMarco music video "I'm Calling You."

The next Episode 1002 will be on my experience on a paranormal investigation with the Georgia Ghost Society and Southlan-Films, so that should be interesting (there are 2 more scheduled before the end of the year in this area). The plan is to get 2 episodes out a month (until I have no more to do for the year) before moving onto other documentary projects (I have plans to release several interviews with various entertainment personnel later in the year as well).

2009 is going to be an exciting year not only for me but for CenterSeat Entertainment as well and this film and series is just the start.