Sunday, March 22, 2009

"Being Away From Work Can Be Work"

Today is my first day back at my full time job after having been an A/V technician for the Hinman Dental show these past 3 days. My job over the last three days was to monitor the siminars in my room of which there were only 2 each day at 3 hours a piece. Not that bad unless of course you can't stay awake (which some of my fellow co-workers could not). We were not allowed to read magazines, books, or be on a laptop so trying to stay awake during a 3 hour siminar on various dental proceedures or emerging technologies can be pretty daunting. Luck for me that "writing" wasn't included in any of the things we "couldn't do" so I ended up getting a lot of writing done over the past three days.

I wrote the next chapter in my "A Simple Death" on-line novel of which I've neglected for the last four months, I also got the script for my next episode of DIARY OF A FILMMAKER series, I finished the outline for "Queen of the Vampires" (aka Twenty-Four), and I was able to get through over 20 pages of my photography book on the the making of HOUSE OF SECRETS done. I was very productive these last 3 days, so, I'm actually really glad I was able to change gears from the drone of Gwinnett for a few days.

The most substantial thing I got done over the 3 days was the HOUSE OF SECRETS book which I've now decided to be an off shoot of the DIARY OF A FILMMAKER series. The DIARY OF A FILMMAKER series is meant for me to have a way in which to showcase all the productions and projects I've done over the years and now this book will become a part of this ongoing series (as it will be the first book in the series). This book is intended as a "self publishing" venture of mine and I'm not necessarily looking for a publisher for it. It's a photography book in which all the photos will be ones I did on the set of the film. The book will alsoo include my on the set film diary as well as short essays on several key issues that faced the film's production.

On another note, I was also able to get back into the grove of writing "A Simple Death" an online novel that I started last year that I hope to finish this year. The experiment with this is to try and have a cohesive story at the end when I know almost nothing that will happen next (which is why this is one of the hardest things I am currently writing). Even though I am not fully satisfied with the current chapter (Chapter 8: At The Mountains of Madness Part 2) the action of forcing myself to write anything has propelled me to continue to write no matter what. Now that the chapter is online to read (at Story Smash - - under "A Simple Death") I feel confident that I can at least start to propell the story towards some type of ending.

These past few days have been very big for me in terms of writing and with 2 free days this week I will have plenty of time to sit down and finally get some things done.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

HOUSE OF SECRETS - Now Done Filming!

Just so that you know, we have finished principal photography on the CenterSeat Entertainment Film HOUSE OF SECRETS (formally SHIVER) just two weeks prior. I've been on a personal break trying not to think too much about the filming so that I can have a clear head when I start logging the footage just before I'm able to go into the editing room and start post production on the film.

I'm going to miss the cast & crew of HOUSE OF SECRETS as we all came together to create something that I hope we all will be proud to have been a part of. The editing process will be the hardest as there are many creative decisions that I will have to make in terms of what finally ends up on the screen and what doesn't. Either way I hope to have something that I will be proud to have my name on.

HOUSE OF SECRETS was a hard film for me to do (as writer & director) in that I had to make many compromises to see the story actuall make it to the screen. I believe the film's greatest asset are the actors as they far exceeded my expectations and went beyond anything that I could have imagined ("Go Cast!"). Although I had a small crew, they were the best that "deferred payment" could buy and I had a great Assistant director and producer that kept me focussed throughout the whole film shoot.

I don't enjoy the editing process as much as the filming process but I can't wait to we have something done for people to sit down and watch.

FRIDAY THE 13TH - Not So Bad Afterall!

Many people don't look forward to Friday the 13th as the date has negative connotations due to the hugely popular and successful film series (which released its latest film last month on...Friday the 13th). For those that aren't fans of the horror genre and are not supersticious then the date holds no negative effect.

I, on the other had, am a huge horror film fan and always looking for something "evil" or "bad" to happen to me when a Friday the 13th rounds the bend. This year I thought I'd try and change my luck (because true to form something bad has always happened to me on a Friday the 13th), so, I decided to have a late date that night with an old flame of mine. We hadn't really seen each other for several months and a few years back we dated and in the passing time we still remained very good friends.

When she suggested that we have a late diner (more like after diner since we got together after 10pm) I accepted as she has always been one of the few women I'd ever truly gotten close to. We ended up going to this restaurant called the Krog Street Bar (so named because of it's location). It was a place she had read good reviews about and I was more or less up for anything. I was happy just to have her company.

Over the course of the evening we each had four glasses of wine and a large variety of the speciety dishes offered by the restaurant (enough so that the bill was just at $100.00). It was an evening like many that we had shared long ago ( a galaxy far, far away) and even though there were no romantic intanglements, we had a great evening that ended just after the place was trying to close at 2:00am the next morning.

Having been single for most the second half of 2008, it was good to be out again with someone whose company I truly enjoyed (its better then having been on any blind/first date where anything could have happens - Good and Bad). It was a great way to end the evening and start the next day. The best thing being that I ended up with a Friday the 13th that did not bring upon the Apocalypse on try to destroy me. Instaed, I had an elegant evening with a lot of great food and drink with someone whom I truly wanted to be with.

Maybe this is the start of a change for Friday the 13th for me. Maybe my luck is finally changing! (Then again there is still one more Friday the 13th this year so anything's possible)